Iowa Writers' Workshop graduates Kiki Petrosino and Dan Rosenberg recently announced the first issue of their new on-line poetry journal, TRANSOM (http://www.transomjournal.com). They describe their journal with a definition of its title: "A transom is the bar of wood that separates a door from the window above it. What comes over the transom is lobbed, has grace, arcs in." The inaugural issue, "Emergence," contains recent work by nine wonderful new poets. Read the Current Issue here.
In Wag's Revue's eight issues, they've featured work by current and past University of Iowa poets, fiction writers, nonfiction writers and translators. Soon-to-be graduated Nonfiction Writing Program (NWP) student Dylan Nice and NWP grad / incoming fiction MFA Jen Percy have also both conducted interviews with U of I alumni and professors, including T.C. Boyle, Paul Harding, and David Shields. Wag's Revue editor Sandra Allen is a MFA candidate at the UI's Nonfiction Writing Program. Read their Current Issue here.
Please send suggestions for future electronic journal highlights to the editor at the Writing University.