Sad Me of the Past

Welcome to Sad Me of the Past, a podcast by the Writing University, the Magid Center for Writing and the Iowa Young Writers' Studio. In this podcast we invite an established writer to revisit a piece they wrote in their tender years that fills them with affection, regret, nostalgia, embarrassment, relief, delight, all of the above, or something else entirely. Just as an infant must take those early, brave, awkward steps when learning to walk, we writers must make our own early, brave, awkward efforts as we set out on the journey of mastering our craft. We travel back to that ancient time when we were bursting with hubris or scared to death; enraptured by language or paralyzed by it; determined to become a writer or terrified that we didn't have the stuff.
Latest Episodes

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 12: Josh Parkinson

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 11: Gina Welch

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 10: Ada Zhang

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 9: Lila Byock

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 8: Bret Anthony Johnson

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 7: Melissa Mogollon

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 6: Joe Fassler

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 5: Nam Le

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 4: Dan Beachy-Quick

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 3: Carmen Maria Machado

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 2: Rachel Yoder

Sad Me of the Past // Episode 1, Part 2: Vinnie Wilhelm + Dave Kajganich