The Writing University is asking creative writing programs on campus to come up with simple, easy lists of reading suggestions from their programs, in order to showcase the wealth of incredible writers we have here - alumni, current students, faculty and more!
Today's list is from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. It includes fantastic work by students, faculty and alumni.
- Allan Gurganus on His Interest in Epidemics in The New Yorker
- "Other Voices, Other Rooms" by Leslie Jamison in The New York Review of Books
- An essay by Grayson Morley, "You Can Do Anything in Animal Crossing Except Escape Productivity Dread" in Catapult
- A profile of Amy Catanzano, "The quantum poet", in Symmetry magazine
- Interview, "Cathy Park Hong: I’m So Sick of the Fact That It’s Not Changing", in Guernica
We hope you enjoy! And check back for more lists from other writing programs at the University of Iowa.