Iowa Summer Writing Festival online workshop registration has begun! While Covid-19 prevents the Iowa Summer Writing Festival (ISWF) from gathering on campus this June and July, ISWF now plans to offer new online workshops each month through 2021.
Enrollment for weekend workshops in May is open now. Enrollment for multi-week May workshops opens this Monday, April 26. (ISWF is staggering the opening times for the courses, in order to facilitate all participant needs.)
Visit the website here to see the Iowa Summer Writing Festival online workshops beginning in May: https://mcuw-uiowa.catalog.instructure.com/browse/iswf/
Each listing includes the course’s enrollment start time on Monday, April 26.
When registration opens, the listing for your course will have a button that says “enroll.”
Please note that online workshops in ISWF have been filling extraordinarily quickly, in some cases within just a few minutes. If you’re not able to get into the workshop you want, please add yourself to the wait list for the course. Where there is considerable interest, ISWF will offer the workshop again. Also, there will be many more workshops coming in the months ahead.