The Writing University has launched a new series of interviews to highlight the various journals and publications across campus at the University of Iowa writing programs. We ask about the publication's history, submission process, etc. Today's interview is with Maura O'Dea, editor of earthwords.

1. Hi Maura! What is the history behind your involvement with earthwords?
I joined earthwords last year as a poetry editor because I was interested in knowing more about what happens behind the scenes of a literary journal, since I frequently submit my own work. I had attented EW events and submitted my work in the past; I think having that strong campus presence is what draws people to the magazine in the first place.
2. What makes earthwords unique?
We like to tout the fact that we are the oldest undergraduate magazine on campus, but really what makes earthwords unique is our events. We put on a dozen events each year designed to draw people with all levels of interest in literature and art, from open mics to improv lessons to talks with authors. earthwords is about bringing art and literature into our every-day lives by bringing accessible, creative events to our campus community, and it's one of my personal favorite parts of being on staff.
3. When do you accept submissions?
Our submission period for publication in the magazine is in the fall semester, from early September to mid October. We are also planning to open submissions for a contest very soon!
4. How can people get involved?
Attend our events, submit to the magazine, and better yet, join our staff—applications will be opening up [soon].
5. Where can people find earthwords?
Anyone interested can follow us on social media @uiowaearthwords on Instagram and Twitter, or send me an email at if you have any questions.
Thank you Maura!