The Writing University has launched a series of interviews to highlight the various journals and publications across campus at the University of Iowa writing programs. We ask about the publication's history, submission process, and more. Today's interview is with UI undergrad Margo Keller, editor of the student publication Cave Writing Magazine!

1. What is the history behind Cave Writing Magazine?
In 2021 roommates Elizabeth Sloan and Kimberly D. Herbstritt came up with the idea for Cave Writing in the cave-like, pillow and blanket-filled nook underneath their dorm's high-captain bed. Both Elizabeth and Kimberly wanted to create a space solely for novelists on the campus of the University of Iowa. They found that writing short stories took away time from their novels, so they created a place for novelists to publish their writing and continue to work on their longer fiction. Under the twinkle lights taped on the bottom of the bed, they decided to make Cave Writing.
2. What makes Cave Writing Magazine unique?
Cave Writing is a literary magazine for novelists first and foremost, and the only University magazine that specifically publishes full chapters. We hope to inspire novelists to keep working on their stories by providing them with feedback and a supportive community of like-minded individuals. There is a sense of pride and completion that comes from finishing short stories and poems, that novelists struggle to attain. Writing a novel often feels lonesome and thankless, as public recognition isn’t attained until the book’s official release. Lit Mags provide communities within the University’s Creative Writing department, and we felt that novelists lacked that sort of support system. So here we are! We publish individually submitted chapters from longer works and provide detailed feedback to the author regardless of whether or not the chapter is deemed ready for publication.
3. When do you accept submissions?
Submissions open on the 1st of every month and close the 15th (except for during summer break when our staff is not on campus). Cave Writing accepts chapters from larger works, and long-form poetry possessing a novel-like narrative. Please refrain from exceeding our word limit of 1,500-5,000 words for your chapters. We will do our best to provide you with helpful feedback on your submission, collected from a team of Beta Readers and a Writing Editor.
4. How can people get involved?
You can get involved with Cave Writing by submitting your writing on our website, reading our online publication, attending our events, and/or applying to our staff. All of this information can be found and further explored on both our Instagram account and our website, which we update regularly. We accept staff applications mainly on a need basis, but they open officially at the start of each school year.
5. Where can people find Cave Writing Magazine?
Those interested in Cave Writing can find us by looking through the University’s student organizations, perusing the Magid Center’s list of publications, following us on Instagram at @cavewritingmagazine, and by visiting our website at
Thank you Grace!