The Writing University has launched a new series of interviews to highlight the various journals and publications across campus at the University of Iowa writing programs. We ask about the publication's history, submission process, etc. Today's interview is with UI undergrad Solenn Vincent, editor of the new student publication Broken Clock!

1. Hi Solenn! What is the history behind Broken Clock?
Broken Clock started in a Publishing I class in 2021, and then became a fully-fledged on-campus student literary magazine. I have since taken over from the original masthead and revamped it. Historically, Broken Clock was a digital print, but I am committed to making it a physical, printed magazine going forward.
2. What makes Broken Clock unique?
Broken Clock is unique in the fact that it focuses on time. This can be as specific or as vague in the submissions as the contributors would like, but all the pieces are centered around a specific topic within time. This means we do get quite a few sci-fi pieces, but any genres are welcome.
3. When do you accept submissions?
We accept submissions at the beginning of both semesters, so keep your eyes peeled!

4. How can people get involved?
We hire staff at the start of the fall semester, so if you are interested, keep an eye out for applications on our Instagram. We have all sorts of positions open, whether you want an editorial board role or something less time-consuming like being a reader for submissions.
5. Where can people find Venus?
- You can find past editions of Broken Clock on our website and very soon, in the Magid Center in Phillips Hall. You can also find us on Instagram @brokenclockmag
Thank you Solenn!